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The Law Office of Mahdi Abdur-Rahman LLC

East Point, G.A.

The Law Office of Mahdi Abdur-Rahman LLC | Established in 2014, The Law Office of Mahdi Abdur-Rahman boldly pushes limits for its clients, including personal injury victims and their families, and individuals and business owners seeking to create comprehensive plans to protect their wealth, now and beyond. With a passion for serving the most underserved and underrepresented communities and demographics, our office has evolved into a leading Georgia law firm specializing in Personal Injury and Estate Planning. We seek to provide personal attention to the varying needs of our diverse clients, deliver exceptional results, and ensure our clients receive a holistic client experience.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an automobile or workplace accident, are looking to create a comprehensive estate plan, or require small business counseling, contact The Law Office of Mahdi Abdur-Rahman today.

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